JFK Assassination 2016 links
On this page we collect all relevant 2016 website links related to the J.F.K. Assassination for archival and educational purposes, but that doesn’t mean we as D.P.U.K. endorse them, we merely make mention of them.
FBI file offers insight into the CIA’s “gentlemanly planner of assassinations,” Richard Helms.

Richard Helms in the PBS Documentary Who Was LHO-BK
Declassified CIA report concluded director led ‘cover up’ of Kennedy assassination investigation.
Flawed Patriot: The Rise and Fall of CIA Legend Bill Harvey.
How I Came to Understand the CIA.
History of Dealey Plaza forum thread. Very interesting. From 2013.
Secret Service Agent Paul Landis reviews the film Jacky.
How I Came to Understand the CIA.
A plea to investigate the death of media icon Dorothy Kilgallen.
CIA’s Internal Investigation Of The Bay Of Pigs.
Lucien Haag’s Flawed Analysis of the First Shot Fired in the JFK Assassination.
Shaker Heights man guarding Kennedys witnessed JFK assassination (photos).
What Became of JFK’s Grave Digger.
The Zapruder family’s complicated history with the JFK assassination film.
Close but no cigar: how America failed to kill Fidel Castro.
RFK saw conspiracy in JFK’s assassination.
Jackie Kennedy’s Actual White House Tour Proves Natalie Portman’s Portrayal Is a Masterpiece.
Natalie Portman details horror Jackie Kennedy experienced during JFK assassination.
Embalmer also connects area to the assassination. From Nov 2013.
The Truth About Dallas. June 2016.
The CMC Permindex Papers. And more HERE.
CIA Reviews “Devil’s Chessboard”.
David Talbot on Democracy Now. Part 1. Part 2.
Howard Willens and The American Scholar.
The Gay Man Charged in the Assassination of JFK. This is actually a rubbish piece on Clay Shaw.
Middletown residents recall John F. Kennedy’s campaign visit.
Jean Kennedy Smith, the Last Living Kennedy Sibling, Shares Never-Before-Heard Stories.
Woody Harrelson: My father, the contract killer.
New footage of JFK in Ireland is revealed in film archive.
Tom Alyea interview from 2013.
DPD police officers HSCA testimony by Denis Morissette.
JFK: The Events of November 22, 1963 video with Buell Frazier and others.
Unpublished Gaeton Fonzi Essay.
New film explores Jacqueline Kennedy’s hand in JFK’s legacy.
Mysterious ‘vote JFK’ billboards are popping up in Texas.
Trained to Kill: The Inside Story of the CIA Plots against Castro, Kennedy, and Che. Hardcover – Antonio Veciana’s up and coming book to be released April 4, 2017
Interview with Cecil Stoughton – Nov. 2013.
Hammarskjold and Kennedy vs. The Power Elite.
Betrayal: A JFK Honor Guard Speaks. Out on Nov. 1st 2016.
JFK Murder Suspects by Larry Hancock.
Dinkin Intercept Names JFK Killers – including William Harvey.
The Story of David Atlee Phillips.
LBJ: The President Who Marked His Territory. From June 14, 2008.
Dan Hardway’s Declaration about the HSCA.
Rick Bauer Talks Dave Ferrie And The Murder Of JFK.

David Ferrie dead in his bed.
The Incubus of Intervention by Greg Poulgrain.
Longtime LBJ aide Mildred Stegall finally tells her story. From Feb 2013.
Oliver Stone links Pokémon Go to totalitarianism during privacy debate.
When Henry Wade Executed An Innocent Man.
The Bay Of Pigs and JM/WAVE Part 1. From Nov. 2014.
The 50-year-old mystery behind that photo of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Marina Oswald’s letter to the ARRB-1996.
FBI attacks Warren Commission Critics video.
Allen Dulles’ “Indonesian Strategy” and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Bob Tanenbaum’s presentation on the HSCA.
JFK Conspiracy Author Wins a Big One Against City Hall’s Catch-22 Defense.
‘Kick’ Kennedy: JFK’s forgotten sister.
The Gunboat Cowboys: Roy Hargraves”, with Larry Hancock.
Five Presidents by Clint Hill with Lisa McCubbin: A Review By Vince Palamara.
Castro Figured Out The JFK Case in Five Days.

Photo: Bettmann Contributor
In the Eye of History — Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence, by William Matson Law.
Rumour has it Lee Harvey Oswald was in Yellow Springs.
Missing Church Committee Transcripts.
Donald Trump, JFK, Oswald and the 2016 Presidential Election By James DiEugenio.
The Formation of the Clark Panel: More of the Secret Team at Work? By Lisa Pease. From 1998.
Why John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
When They Killed JFK They Killed America.
Body of William Colby Is Found on Riverbank. From 1996.
Why CBS Covered Up the JFK Assassination (Part 1).
Why CBS Covered Up the JFK Assassination (Part 2).
In the show’s final episode, Jake follows through with his mission, but the results are disastrous.
Readers Guide To The JFK Assassination.
Was the father of presidential hopeful Cruz involved in the JFK assassination?
Oliver Stone interview in Interview Magazine.
Oswald’s Wedding Suit For Sale.
JFK. A Motorcade. A Rifle. But this Wasn’t Dallas.
The Criterion Collection Review | The Kennedy Films of Robert Drew & Associates.
The Complicated Sisterhood of Jackie Kennedy and Lee Radziwill.

Photo: AP
Oswald’s Alibi and the Reid Technique by Greg Parker.
Exit Strategy: In 1963, JFK ordered a complete withdrawal from Vietnam-Sept 2003.
JFK establishes the Peace Corps, March 1, 1961.
James Angleton HSCA Interview June 15, 1978.
Sen. Thomas Dodd and JFK by Lisa Pease.

Thomas J Dodd
Roger Feinman on CBS’s cover up of the JFK case.
The General Edwin Walker Archive Collection.
The mystery of the constant flow of JFK disinformation-Nov 2015.
11 Photos Of Lee Harvey Oswald That Remain Haunting Half A Century Later.
John Armstrong blasts the mail order rifle “evidence”.
The list of withheld JFK Assassination Documents.
‘Eyewash’: How the CIA deceives its own workforce about operations.
Book Discussion on The Devil’s Chessboard-Nov. 2015.
Texas church member who drove decoy police car during Oswald transfer dies at 92-Dec 2015.
JFKcountercoup: Valkyrie at Dealey Plaza – “The Conspiracy Alone Must Speak”
In Movies, Books and TV, a Rabbit Hole of Kennedy Conspiracies.
Mary Meyer’s Most Enigmatic Life & Oh So Weirdly Mysterious Death.
Conversations with a Masked Man: My Father, the CIA, and Me.

Conversations with a Masked Man: My Father, the CIA, and Me.
The Loss of Accountability by Barry Ernest.
The Mystery Man Behind Evidence Of Revision-Jan 2013.
New Details Uncovered in 1972 Disappearance of Congressman Hale Boggs-Oct 2012.
An Open Letter To The People Of America – by Greg Parker.
My Lunch With ‘The Spider’ Who Nearly Wrecked the CIA.
Review: JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why it Matters.
William Weyand Turner Obituary.

William Weyand Turner
JFK Death Threat Note From Nov. 1963 In Miami Revealed For 1st Time.
The John Birch Society and the rise of the radical right.
The incubus of intervention: conflicting Indonesia strategies of JFK and Allen Dulles.

JFK & Allen Dulles
William W. Turner: In Memoriam.
Arthur Bremer shot Gov. George Wallace to be famous. A search for who he is today-Dec 2015.
HSCA Testimony of Robert Lee Studebaker, 5 Oct 1978.
Limits to transparency by Larry Hancock.
Jim Garrison research by Tom Scully.